Severe weather warning: snow is imminent!
Saturday 4 February
We disembark at Gatwick airport after a marathon 14 hour flight. Even though we had a glorious 12 hour stopover at a lush hotel in KL, we are all flattened by the huge journey. Tnee starts complaining about the cold ... and we're not even outside yet! The car hire lady alerts us to an imminent severe weather warning. It's 4.30pm and at 6pm it's meant to start snowing. This would be okay except that we need to 1. navigate our way to the next suburb to collect a baby seat and high chair, 2. get to a friends house a collect a portacot, 3. get to my Uncle's house in Essex BEFORE it starts to snow. Luckily the angel hire car lady gives us a free upgrade to a divine Peugot 708 wagon, my navigation skills are Jedi-like and the snow doesn't actually arrive until 9pm, one hour after we've eaten dinner in a cosy home and are ready to retire.
I wake up at 5am and the vision outside is like a picture postcard. About 15cm of fresh snow. Stunning.