Friday 3 February
Three days before flying from Brisbane to London we decide to move out of our apartment and rent it - possibly not the most appropriate way to prepare for a month long tour! The Gods of packing pass a weary smile and we haul our last load at 6pm on Thurdsay night before arising at 5am Friday for an 8 hour flight. At Gold Coast airport I wait for the baby change room and am surprised to see a single man exit. When I enter the plume of cigarette smoke in the baby room it becomes much clearer - ew, who does that? After changing Ella while holding my breath and envisaging that terrible Youtube of a chubby baby smoking a cigarette, I confront the sneaky smoker. Denies it, then ignores me. Smoke detectors. Always a wise investment in an airport. Bikini clad meter maids or protecting babies from nicotine poisoning - it's your choice Gold Coast!
Toys, ipad, food and the combined powers of Tnee, Greg and I amuse Ella on the 8 hour flight. She seems quite at home!
Toys, ipad, food and the combined powers of Tnee, Greg and I amuse Ella on the 8 hour flight. She seems quite at home!